Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Deja-Vu Again: Using Your Past Lives to Change the Present

Are you having trouble ending a difficult or emotionally draining relationship?
Does the man you recently met seem strangely familiar?
Do you have a persistent phobia or fear which you cannot resolve?
Have you ever had a recurring dream which does not relate at all to your present circumstances?

If so, you may be experiencing the effects of a past life.

Within our subconscious, or some would say our soul, we have stored memories and emotional wounds which are remainders from our past lives. Painful occurrences from our past lives can affect our present and future lives.

How does this work?

Unresolved or unhealed traumas are not automatically released at death. Whenever we experience a difficult or emotionally dramatic situation, we are given the opportunity to respond to it in an appropriate manner. The experience is given as a means to help the soul to grow and expand in its' awareness and wholeness. This is the one and only purpose for traumatic events.
Sometimes we are unable to resolve a trauma within the span of one lifetime. In this context, it can be offered again in a future life when we may be better equipped to handle it, or when we have chosen to deal with it. Lessons are repeated until they are learned.

As evolving souls reaching for greater awareness, compassion, and service to others, we choose those lessons which will most easily and gracefully allow us to grow. Different lifetimes will have different points of emphasis, for example, one may choose a lifetime of physical disability or illness in order to galvanize the will, or to learn to focus more on mental and spiritual pursuits. Another example would be a person who had a previous lifetime of riches and luxury, but who abused the power inherent in their position of authority, and harmed others through greed or ruthlessness. To balance this, they might choose a life in which they suffered from poverty and deprivation.

This is karma in action, and we are all responsible for ALL of our actions, all the time. Each action has a reaction, and all accounts ultimately are balanced. This is the law and the way of the Universe, which is divinely intelligent and compassionate.

If you feel that someone has done you a disservice, or been dramatically hateful or unfair, you may find the cause in a previous existence, in which you may have through ignorance, and perhaps even unknowingly, inflicted the exact same level and type of pain which you are now experiencing.

So how do we resolve these issues?

That will be covered in Part Two tomorrow.

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