Happy Fall to all you Bright Beings!
You are invited to a Starry Night Event on Tuesday November 30th.
As the days become shorter, we look to firelight and starlight to warm our souls. Come join like-minded friends for an evening of food, fun and fire-scrying. Bring your drums, rattles, or other noisemakers.
Seven Stars Woman Eileen Hetherington will be sharing timely information about current Galactic Happenings, particularly concerning the extremely potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 21st this year.
This eclipse is conjunct the fixed star, Betelgeuse, whose power and position have deep meaning in astrological lore.
The group will be sharing spirit messages through fire scrying, and Eileen will be offering tutoring in this skill for those who wish to learn.
Date: Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Place: Bethany, Oklahoma (email for directions)
Time: 6:30 pm
Cost: $25
RSVP: eileenadairh@yahoo.com Pre-Registration required.
Note: This event will be held partially outdoors, so dress accordingly. In case of severe weather, contact Eileen ahead of time through email to determine whether we will be holding it.
If you wish to bring food to share with the group that will be welcome. Eileen will be providing food and beverages for those in attendance.
I look forward to seeing you there!