Sunday, November 14, 2010

Starry Night Event

Happy Fall to all you Bright Beings!
You are invited to a Starry Night Event on Tuesday November 30th.

As the days become shorter, we look to firelight and starlight to warm our souls. Come join like-minded friends for an evening of food, fun and fire-scrying. Bring your drums, rattles, or other noisemakers.

Seven Stars Woman Eileen Hetherington will be sharing timely information about current Galactic Happenings, particularly concerning the extremely potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 21st this year.

This eclipse is conjunct the fixed star, Betelgeuse, whose power and position have deep meaning in astrological lore.

The group will be sharing spirit messages through fire scrying, and Eileen will be offering tutoring in this skill for those who wish to learn.

Date: Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Place: Bethany, Oklahoma (email for directions)
Time: 6:30 pm
Cost: $25
RSVP: Pre-Registration required.

Note: This event will be held partially outdoors, so dress accordingly. In case of severe weather, contact Eileen ahead of time through email to determine whether we will be holding it.
If you wish to bring food to share with the group that will be welcome. Eileen will be providing food and beverages for those in attendance.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

New Moon in Virgo: Relationship Re-Patterning

With the New Moon in Virgo on September 8th, now is an excellent time for some emotional housecleaning.
The powerful astrological alignments of this summer are now grounding in our lives, and with Mercury in retrograde motion until September 12th, now is the time to review the evolution and emotional content of our closest relationships.
As we evolve into the higher versions of ourselves, it is necessary to re visit old contracts, bonds, and emotional connections that have their origin in other lifetimes which may no longer serve our highest good.
We need special tools to address the deeper emotional issues in our relationships.
This is the time to investigate past life connections with our partner, and make adjustments and changes to integrate our expansion and growth.
One may use tarot cards, past life regression therapy, guided imagery, or even soul retrieval, to work with these deeply buried emotional memories.
Here is a simple RePatterning Prayer. It is meant as a tool to release any situation with a partner or friend in which you feel trapped in behavior patterns that seem fruitless or negative.

RePatterning Prayer

Make a Fire:

First….make a fire.if you can. Otherwise, light some candles.
Make sure you have privacy, and some time to focus. It is helpful to choose a new or full moon time, or, when the moon is in pisces, scorpio or cancer.

Call in Spiritual Helpers.

Say: “I now call in the spiritual guides and helpers of ______ and myself. Please come forward and assist us in this ceremony.

Write a Letter
Write a letter to the person you have difficulty with. Talk about all that has burdened your heart….use “when you did this I felt that” formula. This is not about what you think or how you wish to change the person or situation, only about what you feel.

Now, ask that the person’s soul energy come forward and be present….so that you may be heard, and that on the deepest levels of being, they will receive your message.

Read the letter aloud:

Take as much time as you need. Feel all of the emotions. Take some time to cry if necessary.

Say the following:

I ask now and forevermore, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be forgiven for any pain that I may have caused you in this life or any other. Like wise, I totally forgive and release you from any harm that you may have caused me in this life or any other. I am deeply sorry for all actions that have harmed you in any way.

I now ask that all vows, bonds, promises, thought forms, or wishes that we may have created together in this time or any other that do not serve our highest purpose…will now be released and dissolved into their truest form.. Let the love and intelligence that governs our lives, dissolve all patterns between us that hinder our growth.

Guides, guardians and helpers, re shape our souls and heal our deepest wounds. I thank you for the lessons that you have brought to my life, and I ask that the angels will watch over you and lead you to your deepest wisdom.
I release you into your own path…and I ask that the transformation and healing of this relationship be a radiant source of healing for all those that we meet, until all are released from suffering.

And so it is.

The RePatterning Prayer may be used to transform any relationship in our lives.